Warm Holiday Wishes from AeroJones Aviation
The year is drawing to a close.

As we look back on an exciting year as AJA, we would like to thank our customers and business partners for the trust they have placed in us.
Dan Johnson Media • Affordable Aviation | Fly Rotax | Dynon Avionics | Garmin | Brs Aerospace | Cicaré | Neuform Propeller | lockr.aero .....

We wish you, your families and loved ones a warm and happy holiday season and a healthy and successful new year.

#MerryChrismas #MerryX #MerryXmas #聖誕快樂 #耶誕快樂 #聖誕節 #耶誕節

Composite fuselage, Rotax 912 series engine, advanced digital instrument system, international satellite emergency transmitting system, standard rescue parachutes, and two carbon-fiber seats.

AeroJones Aviation
CTLS | CTLSi LSA manufacturer
#AeroJones #AeroJonesAviation #AJA #AeroJonesCTLS  #CTLS #AJCT
#Flyrotax #Rotax912ULS #Dynon #DynonSkyview #Garminaviation
#LSA #LightSportAircraft