討論航空的運行時(Operation),特別是指在可行使的權利,所使用的航空器及飛行員的執照的類別、型別等級就很重要。也就是說飛機及飛行員, 可以行使的權利其實是跟據不同的類別(category),等級(class)還有型別等級(type rating)的不同而有所不同。
就根據美國FAA,航空器基本分定翼飛機及旋翼機類別(Category),可以往下再分為“單發”和“多發”等級(class),而飛機類,更進一步又再分為“陸上”或“水上”等級(class)。 據此,我們可以交叉配對像是“單發陸上”,“單發水上”,或是“多發陸上”。
1. King Air 350/DA42屬於“飛機”類別(category),屬“多發陸上”等級。
2. UH-60黑鷹屬於“直升機”類別,屬“多發陸上”等級。
因為飛機有這樣子的審定分類,所以飛行員在取得執照的時候也是需要有這樣子的對應。 簡言之,當我們在從事飛行的時候,飛機的等級要求跟飛行員的等級要求是要兩者相符合才可以去進行。 有志從事商業運行的飛行員在航校畢業之時,通常會取得雙發等級及儀錶等級,還有夜航的資格。 但是一般飛行駕校,所飛的飛機都不會很大,但是如果要進入航空公司的話,肯定會面對更複雜,重量更重的飛機,所以就會有型別等級(Type rating)要求。 在許多國家中,單引擎飛機的飛行員在一定最大重量(通常為5700公斤或12500磅)下不需要對每種型號進行型號定級,而所有或大多數此類飛機都屬於一個型別等級。 也就是說,如果飛機起飛時重量超過12,500磅(5,700千克)或一個或多個渦輪噴氣發動機,則需要具有型號等級,例如 波音747, King Air 350是要求型號等級的飛機。 這個資料可以在FAA的網站上查詢下載。
(1) as used with respect to the certification, ratings, privileges, and limitations of airmen means a classification of aircraft within a category having similar operating characteristics Examples include: single engine; multiengine; land; water; gyroplane; helicopter; airship; and free balloon; and ( 2)as used with respect to the certification of aircraft means a broad gr quoing of aircraft having similar characteristics of propulsion, flight, or landing. Examples include: airplane; rotorcraft; glider; balloon; landplane; and seaplane. (FAR Part D)
(1) as used with respect to certification, ratings, privileges, and limitations or airmen, means a specific make and basic model of aircraft, including modifications thereto that do not change its handling or flight characteristics. Examples include: DC-7, 1049, and F-27; and(2) as used with respect to the certification of aircraft, means those aircraft which are similar in design Examples include: DC-7 and DC-7C, 1049G and 1049H; and F-27 and F-27F: (3)as used with respect to certification of aircraft engines means those engines which are similar in design. For example, JT8D, and JT8D-7 are engines of the same type, and JT9D-3A andjt9d-7 are engines of the same type.(FAR Part D)
(1) as used with respect to the certification, ratings, privileges, and lmatano means a broad classification of aircraft. Examples include: airplane; rotorcraft; glider; and lighter-than-air; and(2)as used with espect to the certification of aircraft, means a grouping of aircraft upon intended use or operating limitations. Examples include: transport; normal; utility acrobatic:; limited; restricted; and provisional. (FAR Part 1); as used with respect to the temporization of runways, means a grouping according to the type of approach procedure for that runway.